One of my deepest beliefs is that humans who fuck with nature, will end up having to pay for it. The thing about nature is that even if you are a billionaire, it doesn’t care. You are a human who has outstayed your welcome. You are a human who did something fucked up. The orcas out there orca-nizing against yachts prove this.
If you don’t yet know what I’m talking about, I’ll spell it out: five very rich people have gone missing while on a Submersible, a watercraft launched from a boat that lets tourists spend $250K to visit the wreckage of the Titanic.
The sheer stupidity and egoism of this (all of it) is just one more reason why billionaires should not exist.
First of all: don’t go fucking about where more than 1500 people lost their lives. You don’t know what stories that water can tell.
Secondly: if billionaires have this much time and money to spend on incredibly unsafe and inane shit, then they maybe deserve what’s coming to them. The longer and longer billionaires exist without doing things that would actually benefit the planet, like ending world hunger or helping to mitigate climate change, the more they prove why no one should have access to that much money.
Billionaires are not smarter (this situation clearly proves it).
Billionaires are not “self-made” (they stay sitting on the back of workers).
Billionaires are not needed (especially if they won’t give their money up).
I always come back to the same question when I see these billionaire “adventurers”: what is it that you are running from? Are you that bored with your life that you crave danger in the guise of “exploration?” Has nothing seriously bad ever happened to you or anyone you love? Maybe I don’t understand because I’m not rich; maybe it’s because I’m not a man.
If I’m itching to feel “adventure” or “danger,” I can just take a walk outside at night. I can just sit at home while having a flashback or panic attack. I can just sit in the wreckage of trauma in my body.
I have never craved danger, because I have lived too many lives of it.
🎉 Mood Board for the Week
This LibGuide (bless librarians—I’m so happy to be one!)
Writing and waiting. Writing and waiting. Writing and waiting.
Some Substacks I really like:
, , (so many more, but just wanted to shout out these folks!)Seeing my friend of 20 years (!!!) and her new baby
Wisconsin law still refers to “husband and wife,” putting same-sex couples in a tenuous position
Seeing another good friend for dinner in which she made a delicious baked ziti
This recovery roll-on has been helping my shoulder/neck tension
Summer Solstice because the days will start getting shorter now!
You all for being here, reading my words, interacting with me… thank you! love you! mean it!
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“Maybe I don’t understand because I’m not rich; maybe it’s because I’m not a man.”
Amen to all of this! So well-said.