Thank you so much for sharing this. My daughter has had similar stomach issues related to anxiety and it has taken a lot of advocacy with doctors (who don’t believe her?!?!?) a lot of therapy, and antidepressants in order for her to begin feel her body’s feelings around food. She’s disconnected herself from it, the sensory unpleasantness, and has ASD with selective mutism, so all of your words have helped me to understand her experience a lot better. ❤️
Thank you for including my publication in your article - and I'm so sorry for what you've gone through! I too deal with a fear of food because of my MCAS - I've had so many severe allergic reactions to food that it's hard not to feel fear. I use meditation as a way to try and cope with it - but it's not an easy thing to do.
Thank you for raising awareness of this important issue!
I tend to lose weight as well, because sometimes my body can't handle food, especially if I'm sick. And, like you, it's not about body image.
What helped me was going to Chinese medicine practitioners. The way they examine is very different from the western way. They've all told me that I have a weak digestive system, and have given me different ways of addressing this. Some as simple as only consume food and drink that are hot or warm.
Best of luck with your issue. I know how difficult it is.
Thank you so much for sharing this. My daughter has had similar stomach issues related to anxiety and it has taken a lot of advocacy with doctors (who don’t believe her?!?!?) a lot of therapy, and antidepressants in order for her to begin feel her body’s feelings around food. She’s disconnected herself from it, the sensory unpleasantness, and has ASD with selective mutism, so all of your words have helped me to understand her experience a lot better. ❤️
Thank you for including my publication in your article - and I'm so sorry for what you've gone through! I too deal with a fear of food because of my MCAS - I've had so many severe allergic reactions to food that it's hard not to feel fear. I use meditation as a way to try and cope with it - but it's not an easy thing to do.
Thank you for raising awareness of this important issue!
good 🙃🙃🙃🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰
Hi Lachrista,
I tend to lose weight as well, because sometimes my body can't handle food, especially if I'm sick. And, like you, it's not about body image.
What helped me was going to Chinese medicine practitioners. The way they examine is very different from the western way. They've all told me that I have a weak digestive system, and have given me different ways of addressing this. Some as simple as only consume food and drink that are hot or warm.
Best of luck with your issue. I know how difficult it is.