Emotional abuse is a topic that is not discussed nearly enough, and I’m so grateful that you did!! On more than one occasion I’ve gaslit myself for even calling it “abuse,” thinking that the conflict was all in my head...but that’s just it! Abuse that affects the mind!

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Jul 15, 2023Liked by Lachrista Greco

thank you so much for your vulnerability in posting about this, and for bringing light to emotional abuse. i went through a bad relationship with an emotional abuser, and when i was in the process of getting a divorce, not everyone believed me. it was isolating during a really hard time, but i was able to rely on my close friends to get through it. they knew, they saw, but his family & my family were in disbelief. this type of abuse really needs to be talked about more, just like you said. it behooves us all to learn about these things so we can show up for those in our life that need support, and hopefully notice red flags in our own lives.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Lachrista Greco

Yes. So much yes

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Such a perfect summary of the cultural moment we’re in. I visibly cringed when I read “he put it in his Hinge profile”.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Lachrista Greco

Love your writing so much! Thanks for covering this topic!

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