If you would like to pay for a subscription, but don’t want to do so through Substack, you can pay via my Venmo or PayPal. Also, if you’d like a paid subscription, but can’t afford it, please email me and I’ll add you—no questions asked.
Dearest Readers,
I thought I would just talk to you for today’s newsletter, especially since last week’s edition brought up a lot of feelings for folks on Instagram. I’m still reeling from being called (repeatedly) a “garbage person.” So, alas, this week’s newsletter is more “update” and less “essay.” We all need a break sometimes.
Spring has sprung and my summer seasonal affective disorder is kicking in. I’m happy for y’all though.
I’m renaming and redesigning this newsletter with the help of the only person I trust with all things “branding,” Chicago artist Jenna Blazevich aka Vichcraft! Jenna created the GF logo long ago and is creating something new for me now that I’m very excited about. I’m beyond ready to hang up my hat as “The Guerrilla Feminist.” It will always be a part of me, but I’ve outgrown being known by it. I’m hoping by next week’s newsletter, you’ll see a different name and logo!
I’ve received interest from a very small indie publisher re: publishing my book. I’m excited about the potential of this. I’m also still seeing if this book has a home anywhere else. I won’t be signing any contracts until this Mercury Rx is over.
Glimmers from the week:
the plump mourning dove sitting on the tree outside my bedroom window
FaceTime with my 3-year-old and 2-month old nephews (I miss them so much!)
the Total Solar Eclipse (we had a partial one here in Madison and it was wild to watch the lighting switch up—it got darker and very still outside. I watched news coverage of the total eclipse and awed like everyone else—though I’m sure it was much more magical seeing it in person!).
AI, Algorithms, and the Death of Social Media (As We Know It) - Tasha Darcy Grey
Disability, Dating and The Problem With Men -
Quilts as Sites For Liberation -
Substack Is Setting Writers Up For A Twitter-Style Implosion - Andrea Grimes (I’m so deeply disturbed by this and yet, I’m unable to move off Substack currently due to financial means)
Trauma-Informed and Relational Care for Libraries - Nisha Mody
‘AI Instagram Influencers’ Are Deepfaking Their Faces Onto Real Women’s Bodies - Jason Koebler
Surgery in Shackles: The Healthcare I received in Prison was Horrible, So I Started Reporting On It - Carla Simmons
The British government is throwing young trans people under the bus - Sasha Baker
This week’s song:
The Guerrilla Feminist is reader-supported! Thank you to the folks who pay monthly to support my work. If you want to upgrade to paid, go here.
Add your favorite song to The Guerrilla Feminist Spotify Playlist!
Please share my writing with your community and comrades! Forward this email to a friend, put it in your own newsletter, screenshot and share it on social media.
Woohoo indie press interest!
Thanks for the shoutout! I love this new title and I'm excited about the publishing possibility!!